The Transportation System Preservation Technical Services Program (TSP2) was initiated as an efficient means to disseminate information to AASHTO member agencies for preserving their highway infrastructure, including both pavements and bridges. Its principal mission is to serve as a clearinghouse with comprehensive and up-to-date information on efficient and effective preservation measures...
The Kercher Group, Inc. and Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. (GPI) were recently selected by the Federal Highway Administration Office of Bridges and Structures to author and present Bridge Management Systems (BMS) Workshops to State Department of Transportation (DOTs) and other public agencies. The purpose of the workshop is to advance the...
The Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) has honored Berrien County with a 2019 TAMC Organization Award. The award was presented to Jason Latham of the Berrien County Road Department for their work on implementing improvement plans for their respective road and bridge networks, using asset management tools and...
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